August 12, 2009

  • Reality Check for na-relle


    The most obvious aspect of this reading, an impression that immediately jumps out at me, is a clear conflict between intellect and spirit.  The intellect involved is immature, programmed by culture, with a bottom-heavy education focusing on the material plane and deficient on the mental/emotional and spiritual planes.  The entire left-hand column of the spread, the side dealing with “negatives” –  obstacles, challenges, lacks — is in the suit of Blades, the element of Air, symbolizing intellectual thought and verbal communication.

    The “overview” card at the base is Page of Blades reversed, a young person expressing the negative aspects of Air qualities:  competitiveness, inconstancy, inconsistency, two-facedness, deceit, ego-driven striving for attention.

    On the physical/material level, fearful emotions are the result of a mind monopolized by linear logic, and excessive attention to material needs, wants, losses and lack, with an incomplete understanding of The Flow, creativity, holistic thinking, and spirituality.

    The emotional level further expands on those fears.  The card in the center is the first of two Major Trumps in this spread:  Actor.  The “mask” the subject wears is bland and purposely non-threatening, more defense than disguise.  Anyone with perception who pays attention can see the real person behind the mask.  He or she hides more from self than from others.  There is some idealism involved, a desire to project what is judged as “right” or “good,” without regard for the value of truth.

    The effect of this deception is self-disempowerment.  Creativity comes through the true self.  The greatest artistic masterworks are those that reveal the artist’s innermost self.  Relationships based on false projections and false impressions eventually get down to the truth, or they either end or proceed unhappily.  The card’s symbols denote how one can gain power, prestige, wisdom and contentment by dropping the mask.

    Two of Blades on the left, denotes an inability to wrap one’s mind around the reality here.  That difficulty of logical, linear intellect to adequately describe or understand emotions or higher spiritual realities presents an obstacle to happiness and emotional fulfillment, as well as to the formation of healthy lasting relationships.  Balancing it on the other side, the strengths or resources represented by the right-hand column, the two of Serpents suggests that spiritual experience and/or creative fulfillment can provide the way out, but one has difficulty opening to inspiration.

    On the top level, spirit, the center card is the Mother, representing creative energies in stasis.  Symbolically she is pictured as pregnant, delicately balanced, in possession of power and creative energy but keeping it cloaked and unexpressed.  Like pregnancy, this condition cannot endure forever. How it ends depends on the subject’s choices and actions.  Inaction characterizes the present situation.  It feels to me like a fearful paralysis.

    The “obstacle” card here is three of Blades, a student’s status, still learning and in this case (because of the card’s placement) learning things that will only increase the difficulty of breaking out of the creative stasis, a dead-end course of study.  The balancing card on the other side is five of Stones.  In a seeming paradox, a material (physical or financial) crisis is the asset that can set the subject on a more productive course.

    Please let me know if I may be of further service.  You will need to consult further with Greyfox about the past-life reading you requested before he will be willing to begin on it.


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