Month: August 2011

  • past life reading


    Greyfox saw details of only one life for you, but he mentioned a feeling that you have “warrior karma” from other lives as well.

    In this life, you lived during the Viking times, around the turn of the first millennium C.E., plus or minus a century or so.  Your husband was one of the seagoing reavers who raided coastal settlements in Europe and the British Isles at that time.

    Greyfox saw you as a, “big robust Xena-esque figure.”

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    Childless, feeling both guilt and rage about your childlessness, and probably lonely at home, you decided to accompany your man on a raid.  There was lots of flack from the other guys.  To the first one who protested about how it was unlucky to have a woman on board, you just replied, “Unlucky for you, maybe,” and decked him.  After that, you were accepeted as a member of the crew, dressed as a man, and kept up the life of a reaver even after your man was killed.

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    You took to that lifestyle happily and comfortably.  It was your right livelihood, due mostly, I’m sure, to the warrior karma from lives previous to that one.  In this life, in addition to complex feelings about violence and conflict, you are likely to have strong feelings about having kids, and about feminism in general.

    more like this, but with breasts instead of a beard

